Working papers results

2004 - n° 277 17/12/2004

Using a structural Vector Autoregression approach, this paper compares the
macroeconomic effects of the three main government spending tools: government
investment, consumption, and transfers to households, both in terms of the size
and the speed of their effects on GDP and its components. Contrary to a common
opinion, there is no evidence that government investment shocks are more
effective than government consumption shocks in boosting GDP: this is true both
in the short and, perhaps more surprisingly, in the long run. In fact, government
investment appears to crowd out private investment, especially in dwelling and in
machinery and equipment. There is no evidence that government investment pays
for itself in the long run, as proponents of the Golden Rule implicitly or explicitly
argue. The positive effects of government consumption itself are rather limited,
and defense purchases have even smaller (or negative) effects on GDP and private
investment. There is also no evidence that government transfers are more effective
than government consumption in stimulating demand.

Roberto Perotti (IGIER, Università Bocconi)
2004 - n° 276 16/12/2004

This paper studies the effects of fiscal policy on GDP, inflation and interest rates
in 5 OECD countries, using a structural Vector Autoregression approach. Its main
results can be summarized as follows: 1) The effects of fiscal policy on GDP tend
to be small: government spending multipliers larger than 1 can be estimated only
in the US in the pre-1980 period. 2) There is no evidence that tax cuts work faster
or more effectively than spending increases. 3) The effects of government spending
shocks and tax cuts on GDP and its components have become substantially weaker
over time; in the post-1980 period these effects are mostly negative, particularly on
private investment. 4) Only in the post-1980 period is there evidence of positive
effects of government spending on long interest rates. In fact, when the real interest
rate is held constant in the impulse responses, much of the decline in the response
of GDP in the post-1980 period in the US and UK disappears. 5) Under plausible
values of its price elasticity, government spending typically has small effects on
inflation. 6) Both the decline in the variance of the fiscal shocks and the change
in their transmission mechanism contribute to the decline in the variance of GDP
after 1980.

Roberto Perotti (IGIER, Università Bocconi)
2004 - n° 275 10/12/2004

Focusing on signaling games, I illustrate the relevance of the rationalizability
approach for the analysis multistage games with incomplete
information. I define a class of iterative solution procedures, featuring a
notion of forward induction: the Receiver tries to explain the Sender's
message in a way which is consistent with the Sender's strategic sophistication
and certain given restrictions on beliefs. The approach is applied to
some numerical examples and economic models. In a standard model with
verifiable messages a full disclosure result is obtained. In a model of job
market signaling the best separating equilibrium emerges as the unique
rationalizable outcome only when the high and low types are sufficiently
different. Otherwise, rationalizability only puts bounds on the education
choices of different types.

Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi University and IGIER)
Keywords: incomplete information, signaling, rationalization
2004 - n° 274 02/12/2004

This paper suggests that the main (and possibly unique) source of β- and σ- convergence
in GDP per worker (i.e. labor productivity) across Italian regions over the
1980-2000 period is the change in technical and allocative efficiency, i.e. convergence
in relative TFP levels. To reach this conclusion, I construct an approximation of
the production frontier at different points in time using Data Envelope Analysis
(DEA), and measure efficiency as the output-based distance from the frontier. This
method is entirely data-driven, and does not require the specification of any particular
functional form for technology. Changes in GDP per worker can be decomposed
in changes in relative efficiency, changes due to overall technological progress, and
changes due to capital deepening. My results suggest that: (i) differences in relative
TFP are quantitatively important; (ii) while technological progress and capital
deepening are the main, and equally important, forces behind the rightward shift
in the distribution of GDP per worker, convergence in relative TFP is the main
determinant of the change in the distribution's shape.

Marco Maffezzoli (Università Bocconi and IGIER)
Keywords: Italian regions, regional convergence, Total Factor Productivity, DataEnvelope Analysis
2004 - n° 273 30/11/2004

We study the effects of model uncertainty in a simple New-Keynesian
model using robust control techniques. Due to the simple model structure, we
are able to find closed-form solutions for the robust control problem, analyzing
both instrument rules and targeting rules under different timing assumptions.
In all cases but one, an increased preference for robustness makes monetary
policy respond more aggressively to cost shocks but leaves the response to
demand shocks unchanged. As a consequence, inflation is less volatile and
output is more volatile than under the non-robust policy. Under one particular
timing assumption, however, increasing the preference for robustness has no
effect on the optimal targeting rule (nor on the economy).

Kai Leitemo (Norwegian School of Management) and Ulf Sderstrom (Dept. of Economicsand IGIER, Università Bocconi)
Keywords: Knightian uncertainty, model uncertainty, robust control, minmaxpolicies
2004 - n° 272 02/11/2004

The existing studies of unemployment benefit and unemployment duration suggest that reforms
that lower either the level or the duration of benefits should reduce unemployment. Despite the
large number of such reforms implemented in Europe in the past decades, this paper presents
evidence that shows no correlation between the reforms and the evolution of unemployment.
This paper also provides an explanation for this fact by exploring the
interactions between unemployment benefits and social assistance programmes. Unemployed
workers who are also eligible, or expect to become eligible, for some social assistance
programmes are less concerned about their benefits being reduced or terminated. They will not
search particularly intensively around the time of benefit exhaustion nor will come particularly
less choosy about job offers by reducing their reservation wages. Data from the European
Community Household Panel (ECHP) are used to provide evidence to support this argument.
Results show that, in fact, for social assistance recipients the probability of finding a job is not
particularly higher during the last months of entitlement.

Michele Pellizzari
Keywords: Unemployment duration, unemployment insurance, social assistance
2004 - n° 271 13/10/2004

We document the presence of a trade-off between unemployment benefits (UB) and employment protection legislation (EPL) in the provision of insurance against labor market risk. Different countries' locations along this trade-off represent stable, hard to modify, politico-economic equilibria. We develop a model in which voters are required to cast a ballot over the strictness of EPL, the generosity of UBs and the amount of redistribution involved by the financing of unemployment insurance. Agents are heterogeneous along two dimensions:  imployment status - insiders and outsiders - and skills - low and high. Unlike previous work on EPL, we model employment protection as an institution redistributing among insiders, notably in favour of the low-skill workers. A key implication of the model is that configurations with strict EPL and low UB should emerge in presence of compressed wage structures. Micro data on wage premia on educational attainments and on the strictness of EPL are in line with our results. We also find empirical support to the substantive assumptions of the model on the effects of EPL.

Tito Boeri (Università Bocconi, IGIER andFondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti), J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz (FEDEA) and Vincenzo Galasso (IGIER, Università Bocconi and CEPR)
Keywords: employment protection, unemployment insurance, political equilibria
2004 - n° 270 13/10/2004
Alessandro Sembenelli (Università di Torino)


We study how public policy can contribute to increase the share of early stage and
high-tech venture capital investments, thus helping the development of active venture
capital markets. A simple extension of the seminal model by Holmstrom and Tirole
(1997) provides a theoretical base for our analysis. We then explore a unique panel of
data for 14 European countries between 1988 and 2001. We have several novel findings.
First, the opening of stock markets targeted at entrepreneurial companies positively
affects the shares of early stage and high-tech venture capital investments; reductions
in capital gains tax rates have a similar, albeit weaker, effect. Second, a reduction in
labor regulation results in a higher share of high-tech investments. Finally, we find no
evidence of a shortage of supply of venture capital funds in Europe, and no evidence
of an effect of increased public R&D spending on the share of high-tech or early stage
venture capital investments.

Marco Da Rin (Università di Torino, ECGI and IGIER), Giovanna Nicodano (Università di Torino) and Alessandro Sembenelli (Università di Torino)
Keywords: Venture Capital, Capital Gains Tax,Public R&D Expenditure, Barriers to Entrepreneurship, Stock Markets, Public Policy
2004 - n° 269 27/09/2004
dell'Economia e delle Finanze) and Cristian Tegami (CONSIP SpA)


The aim of this paper is to propose a new method for forecasting Italian
inflation. We expand on a standard factor model framework (see Stock and
Watson (1998)) along several dimensions. To start with we pay special
attention to the modeling of the autoregressive component of the inflation.
Second, we apply forecast combination (Granger (2000) and Pesaran and
Timmermann (2001)) and generate our forecast by averaging the predictions
of a large number of models. Third, we allow for time variation in parameters
by applying rolling regression techniques, with a window of three-years of
monthly data. Backtesting shows that our strategy outperforms both the
benchmark model (i.e. a factor model which does not allow for model
uncertainty) and additional univariate (ARMA) and multivariate (VAR)
models. Our strategy proves to improve on alternative models also when
applied to turning point prediction.

Carlo A. Favero (IGIER, Università Bocconi), Ottavio Ricchi (Ministero
2004 - n° 268 09/09/2004

This paper integrates a theory of equilibrium unemployment into a monetary model
with nominal price rigidities. The model is used to study the dynamic response of the
economy to a monetary policy shock. The labor market displays search and matching
frictions and bargaining over real wages and hours of work. Search frictions generate unemployment in equilibrium. Wage bargaining introduces a microfounded real wage
rigidity. First, I study a Nash bargaining model. Then, I develop an alternative
bargaining model, which I refer to as right-to-manage bargaining. Both models have
similar predictions in terms of real wage dynamics: bargaining significantly reduces
the volatility of the real wage. But they have different implications for inflation
dynamics: under right-to-manage, the real wage rigidity also results in smaller
fluctuations of inflation. These findings are consistent with recent evidence
suggesting that real wages and inflation only vary by a moderate amount in
response to a monetary shock. Finally, the model can explain important features of
labor-market fluctuations. In particular, a monetary expansion leads to a rise in job
creation and to a hump-shaped decline in unemployment.

Antonella Trigari
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Labor Market Search, Business Cycles, Inflation
Working Papers search