Unless otherwise indicated, all seminars will be from 12.45 to 14.00
Date | Speaker | Room |
January 10 | Alvin Roth (Harvard) "Kidney Exchange" | 5-E4-SR04 |
January 18 | Bernard Salanie (Columbia) "Partner Choice and Marital College Premium" | N38 |
March 14 | Costas Meghir (UCL) "Matching, Sorting and Wages" | N35 |
April 11 | John Cochrane (Chicago Booth GSB) "Discount Rates" | N39 |
June 10 | Samuel Kortum (University of Chicago) "International Trade: Linking Micro and Macro" | N38 |
September 23 | Robert Staiger (Stanford University) "Optimal Design of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Renegotiation" | N01 |
October 13 | Mark Gertler (New York University) "Financial Crises, Bank Risk Exposure, and Government Financial Policy" | 4 |
November 28 | Adam Szeidl (UC Berkeley and CEU Budapest) "A Model of Focusing in Economic Choice" | 31 |
December 2 | Luigi Zingales (Chicago Booth GSB) "Time Varying Risk Aversion" | 35 |