2011-2012 IGIER Seminar Series


Seminars will be held from 12.45 to 14.00 in the Velodromo building.

Date Speaker Room
September 23 Robert W. Staiger (Stanford University) N01
  Optimal Design of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Renegotiation  
October 13 Mark Gertler (New York University) Sarfatti 
  Financial Crises, Bank Risk Exposure and Government Financial Policy  
November 28 Adam Szeidl (UC Berkeley and CEU, Budapest) N31
  A Model of Focusing in Economic Choice  
December 2 Luigi Zingales (BSB, University of Chicago) N35
  Time Varying Risk Aversion  
January 25 Alberto Alesina (Harvard University) N38
  On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough  
March 13 Drew Fudenberg (Harvard University) N39
  Timing, Risk and Self-Control  
May 22 Andrew Postlewaite (University of Pennsylvania) N39
June 21 Martin Uribe (Columbia University) N39
  Prudential Policy for Peggers h 12:00