Job Market Seminars 2002

2002 Job Market Seminars
The seminars in January will be held at via Sarfatti, Room D; the seminars in February will be held at via Sarfatti, Room E
Time: 12:45


Monday 14/01/2002
Elena Bisagni (UCSD and IGIER)
"The Microstructure of the Federal Funds Market: Liquidity Shocks and Liquidity Allocation"

Thursday 24/01/2002
Carlo Altamonte (Università Bocconi)
"Transition Bursts: Market Potential and the Location Choices of Multinational Enterprises"
(PDF file, 314 KB)

Friday 25/01/2002
Marc Muendler (Berkeley)
"Trade, technology, and productivity: A study of Brazilian manufacturers, 1986-1998"
(PDF file, 710 KB)

Monday 28/01/2002
Yong Kim (LSE)
"Borrowing Constraints and Technology Diffusion: Implications of Intra- Industry Trade"
(PDF file, 345KB)

Tuesday 29/01/2002
Enrique Schroth (NYU)
"Innovation and First-Mover Advantages in the Market for Corporate Underwriting"
(PDF file, 376 KB)

Wednesday 30/01/2002
Matthias Messner (UPF)
"Voting on Majority Rule"
(PDF file, 251KB)

Thursday 31/01/2002
Chiara Fumagalli (EUI and Università Bocconi)
"Internal Capital Markets, Cross-subsidization and Product Market Competition"
(PDF file, 399KB)


Friday 1/02/2002
Arpad Abraham (UPF)
"Wage Inequality and Education Policy with Skill-Biased Technological Change in OG setting"
(PDF file, 398 KB)

Monday 04/02/2002
Thorsten Koeppl (Minnesota)
"Optimal Dynamic Risk Sharing When Enforcement is a Decision Variable"
(PDF file, 383 KB)

Tuesday 05/02/2002
Andre Kurman (Virginia)
"Can New Keynesian Pricing Explain U.S. Inflation Dynamics?"
(PDF file, 598 KB)

Wednesday 06/02/2002
Roberto Benelli (MIT)
"The Design of Financial Contracts and Capital Requirements"
(PDF file, 519 KB)

Thursday 07/02/2002
Imran Rasul (LSE)
"Household Bargaining Over Fertility: Theory and Evidence from Malaysia"
(PDF file, 626 KB)
Note: seminar at 14:30

Friday 08/02/2002
Maria Giovanna Baccara (Princeton)
"From Thought to Practice: Appropriation and Endogenous Market Structure with Imperfect Intellectual Property Rights"
(PDF file, 509 KB)


Monday 11/02/2002
Helios Herrera (New York University)
"Participation Externalities and Asset Price Volatility"
(PDF file, 416 KB)

Friday, March 22, 2002 Time:  12:45  Room C,  Via Sarfatti,25
Andrea Vindigni (GREMAQ and Princeton University)
"Uncertainty and the Politics of Employment Protection"
(PDF file, 441 KB)

Monday, March 25, 2002,  Time:  12:45 Room E, Via Sarfatti, 25
Luca Sala (ECARES-UBL)
"Monetary Transmission In The Euro Area: A Factor Model Approach"
(PDF file, 912 KB)


Thursday, April 4, 2002,   Time:  12:45   Room 10, Via Sarfatti, 25
Jonas Vlachos (Stockholm School of Economics)
"Financial Markets, The Pattern Of Specialization And Comparative Advantage: Evidence From OECD Countries" (Joint with H. Svaleryd)
(PDF file, 148 KB)