hero working papers

The Role of Search Frictions and Bargaining for Inflation Dynamics

Number: 304
Year: 2006
Author(s): Antonella Trigari
This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model that
integrates labor market search and matching into an otherwise
standard New Keynesian model. I allow for changes of the labor
input at both the extensive and the intensive margin and develop
two alternative specifications of the bargaining process. Under
efficient bargaining (EB) hours are determined jointly by the firm
and the worker as a part of the same Nash bargain that determines
wages. With right to manage (RTM), instead, firms retain the right to
set hours of work unilaterally. I show that introducing search and
matching frictions affects the cyclical behavior of real marginal costs
by way of two different channels: a wage channel under RTM and an
extensive margin channel under EB. In both cases, the presence of
search and matching frictions may cause a lower elasticity of marginal
costs with respect to output and thus help to account for the observed
inertia in inflation.

Keywords: Labor Market Search, Wage Bargaining, Business Cycles Inflation, Monetary Policy Shocks
JEL codes: E52, J64, E24, E32, E31