Revisiting Productivity Dynamics in Europe: A New Measure of Utilization-Adjusted TFP Growth
Number: 695
Year: 2023
Author(s): Diego Comin, Javier Quintana, Tom Schmitz, Antonella Trigari
We compute new estimates for Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth in five European countries and in the United States. Departing from standard methods, we account for positive profits and use firm surveys to proxy for unobserved changes in factor utilization. These novelties have a major impact in Europe, where our estimated TFP growth series are less volatile and less cyclical than the ones obtained with standard methods. Based on our approach, we provide annual industry-level and aggregate TFP series, as well as the first estimates of utilization-adjusted quarterly TFP growth in Europe.
JEL Codes: E01, E30, O30, O40