SALTHAPP - Psychology and Economic Behavior: Theory, Tests and Applications
Nicola Gennaioli
Principal Investigator
September 2015 - February 2021
Grant Agreement ID: 647782
This proposal purports to develop psychologically founded models of economic decision making, test these models, and use them to shed light on several economic phenomena. The proposal builds on the psychology of selective attention. In particular, decision makers more easily retrieve from memory (precisely defined) representative events when making an inference, and they attach disproportionate attention and weighting to (precisely defined) salient choice options when making a choice. These ideas were modelled by the PI and his coauthors in previous work. The present grant proposal develops this research agenda in three stages. First, we plan to extend this approach to new theoretical problems such as the social psychology of stereotypes and the theory of consideration sets. Second, we plan to develop experimental tests dissecting the basic forces driving selective attention and decisions. Third, we plan to apply the theory to shed light on the following economic phenomena: a) investors’ risk perceptions in financial markets and asset price behavior, b) salient policy issues, voting behavior and political competition, c) consumer attention, product design and competition among firms, and d) discrimination in the labor market.
- Identity, Beliefs, and Political Conflict, (with Giampaolo Bonomi and Guido Tabellini), The Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Diagnostic Expectations and Credit Cycles (with P. Bordalo and A. Shleifer),The Journal of Finance, 2019, 74(6) 2839-2874
- Diagnostic Expectations and Stock Returns (with P.Bordalo, R. La Porta, and A. Shleifer), The Journal of Finance, 2019, 74 (6): 2839-2874.
- Beliefs About Gender (with P. Bordalo, K. Coffman, and A. Shleifer), American Economic Review, 2019, 09 (3): 739-773.
- Memory and Reference Prices: An Application to Rental Choice (with P. Bordalo, R. La Porta, and A.Shleifer), American Economic Review, P&P, 2019
- Memory and Representativeness(with P. Bordalo, C. Coffman, F. Schwerter, and A. Shleifer), Psychological Review
- Memory, Attention and Choice (with P. Bordalo and Andrei Shleifer), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020, 135, 1399–1442
- Over-Reaction in Macroeconomic Expectations (with P.Bordalo, Y. Ma, and A. Shleifer), American Economic Review, 2020, 110, 2748-2782
Stereotypes (with K. Coffman, P. Bordalo, and A. Shleifer), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016, 131 (4): 1753-1794
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.