Unemployment and Skill Mismatch in the Italian Labor Market
A project coordinated by IGIER-Bocconi,
in partnership with JPMorgan Chase Foundation
*** For more info on the Research Project, please click here ***
27th October 2016 - J.P. Morgan - Bocconi First Annual Policy Workshop
The workshop analyzes what groups have suffered the most during the recent crisis and its effects on labor market inequality. The outcomes of recent reforms will be discussed, as well as what is still missing to complete the reform process, particularly in terms of active labor market policies.
The workshop also takes a longer-term perspective. In particular, we look at the role of the mismatch between the skills and qualifications of the workforce and the needs of employers in explaining the disappointing performance of the Italian economy since the mid-1990s.
The First J.P.Morgan-Bocconi Policy Workshop addresses these issues by bringing together university scholars, leading policy makers, employer representatives and prominent actors in the field of education and training policies.
10:00 – 10:20 Welcome coffee and registration
10:20 – 10:40 Welcome adresses
Gianmario Verona, Rector, Bocconi University
Guido Nola, Senior Country Officer, J.P. Morgan Italy
10:40 – 11:00 Keynote speech
Tommaso Nannicini, Undersecretary of State to the Italian Prime Minister and full Professor at Bocconi University
11:00 – 11:50 Session 1: Unemployment and active labour market policies
Presentation “Labour market inequalities across Italian demographic groups: a focus on the youth and long-term unemployed”, Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University and IGIER) and Jérôme Adda (Bocconi University and IGIER)
A conversation with
Maurizio Del Conte, Professor of Labour Law at Bocconi University and President of the Agenzia Nazionale per le Politiche Attive del Lavoro (Anpal)
Fabiano Schivardi, Bocconi University and IGIER
Paolo Sestito, Head Structural Economic Analysis Directorate, Bank of Italy
11:50 – 12:10 Coffee break
12:10 – 13:15 Session 2: Skill mismatch, education and trainig policies
Presentation “Skill mismatch and labour shortages in the Italian labour market”, Michele Pellizzari (University of Geneva) and Paola Monti (Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti)
Chair Dario Di Vico (Journalist, Corriere della Sera)
Gustavo Bracco Human Resources Senior Adviser Pirelli
Andrea Gavosto, Director of the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli
Monica Poggio, President, ITS Lomabardia Meccatronica
Glenda Quintini, Senior Economist at OECD
Here you can find a playlist on Youtube with the videos of the whole workshop