Macroeconomics Seminars Autumn 2006

Sponsored by IEP and IGIER

All seminars start at 12.45 unless otherwise indicated, and last about an hour. Please note that from November 6th until the end of December, ALL seminars will be held in ROOM 24, Via Sarfatti 25 unless otherwise indicated.


Thursday September 14th (ROOM 44, Via Sarfatti 25)
Aleh Tsyvinski (Harvard University)
"Pure Political Economy Distortions: the Leviathan and Dynamic Public Finance" 

Thursday September 21st (ROOM 44, Via Sarfatti 25)
Piero Gottardi (C Foscari University, Venice)
"Social Security and Risk Sharing" joint with F. Kubler

Thursday September 28th (ROOM 44, Via Sarfatti 25)
Carlo Favero (Bocconi University)
"Model Evaluation in Macroeconometrics: from Cowles Foundation to DSGE Models"


Thursday October 5th (ROOM N17 Velodromo, Piazza Sraffa)
Claudio Michelacci (CEMFI, Madrid)
"The Effects of Labor Market Conditions on Working Time: A Look at the US-EU Experience" joint with Josep Pijoan

Thursday October 12th (ROOM N17 Velodromo, Piazza Sraffa)
Joseph Zeira (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"Technology and Labor Regulations" joint with Alberto Alesina

Thursday October 19th (ROOM N17 Velodromo, Piazza Sraffa)
Roberto Rigobon (MIT, Massachusetts)
"Sticky Borders" joint with Gita Gopinath

*Wednesday October 25th at 2.30 pm (ROOM 1, VIA SAN MANSUETO 4) - OCCASIONAL SEMINAR*
Robert Feenstra (UC Davis, California)
"Outsourcing and Volatility" joint with Paul R. Bergin and Gordon H. Hanson


Thursday November 9th
Bruce Preston (Columbia University)
"Expectations Driven Fluctuations and Stabilization Policy" joint with S. Eusepi

Thursday November 16th
Bob Hall (Stanford University)
"Sources and Mechanisms of Cyclical Fluctuations in the Labor Market"

Thursday November 23rd
Lorenzo Forni (Banca d'Italia)
"Keynes vs. Ricardo: Revisiting the Effects of Fiscal Policy in an Estimated DSGE Model"


Thursday December 14th
Steve Cecchetti (Brandeis University)
"Measuring the Macroeconomic Risks Posed by Asset Price Booms"

Monday December 18th - OCCASIONAL Seminar - ROOM 11, Via Sarfatti 25
Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University)
"The Time Varying Volatility of Macroeconomic Fluctuations" joint with A. Justiniano