Working papers results

2004 - n° 258

Equilibrium business cycle models have typically less shocks than variables.
As pointed out by Altug, 1989 and Sargent, 1989, if variables are measured with
error, this characteristic implies that the model solution for measured variables has
a factor structure. This paper compares estimation performance for the impulse
response coefficients based on a VAR approximation to this class of models and
an estimation method that explicitly takes into account the restrictions implied
by the factor structure. Bias and mean squared error for both factor based and
VAR based estimates of impulse response functions are quantified using, as data
generating process, a calibrated standard equilibrium business cycle model. We
show that, at short horizons, VAR estimates of impulse response functions are less
accurate than factor estimates while the two methods perform similarly at medium
and long run horizons.

Domenico Giannone, Lucrezia Reichlin and Luca Sala
2004 - n° 257

This paper aims to test some implications of the Fiscal theory of
the price level (FTPL). We develop a model similar to Leeper (1991)
and Woodford (1996), but extended so to generate real effects of fiscal
policy also in the "Ricardian" regime, via an OLG demographic
structure. We test on the data the predictions of the FTPL as incorporated
in the model. We find that the US fiscal policy in the period
1960-1979 can be classified as "Non-Ricardian", while it is "Ricardian"
since 1990. According to our analysis, the fiscal theory of the
price level characterizes one phase of the post-war US history.

Luca Sala
Keywords: Fiscal theory of the price level, monetary and fiscalpolicy interaction, VAR models, fiscal shocks
2004 - n° 256

We use a quantitative model of the U.S. economy to analyze the response
of long-term interest rates to monetary policy, and compare the model results
with empirical evidence. We find that the strong and time-varying yield curve
response to monetary policy innovations found in the data can be explained by
the model. A key ingredient in explaining the yield curve response is central
bank private information about the state of the economy or about its own
target for inflation.

Tore Ellingsen (Stockholm School of Economics) and Ulf Soderstrom (IGIER, Università Bocconi)
Keywords: Term structure of interest rates, yield curve, central bank privateinformation, excess sensitivity
2004 - n° 255

In this paper a simple dynamic optimization problem is solved with the help of
the recursive saddle point method developed by Marcet and Marimon (1999). According
to Marcet and Marimon, their technique should yield a full characterization
of the set of solutions for this problem. We show though, that while their method
allows us to calculate the true value of the optimization program, not all solutions
which it admits are correct. Indeed, some of the policies which it generates as
solutions to our problem, are either suboptimal or do not even satisfy feasibility.
We identify the reasons underlying this failure and discuss its implications for the
numerous existing applications.

Matthias Messner (Bocconi University and IGIER) and Nicola Pavoni (University College London)
Keywords: Recursive saddle point, recursive contracts, dynamic programming
2004 - n° 254

We analyze welfare maximizing monetary policy in a dynamic general equilibrium two-country
model with price stickiness and imperfect competition. In this context, a typical terms
of trade externality affects policy interaction between independent monetary authorities. Unlike
the existing literature, we remain consistent to a public finance approach by an explicit
consideration of all the distortions that are relevant to the Ramsey planner. This strategy entails
two main advantages. First, it allows an accurate characterization of optimal policy in an economy
that evolves around a steady state which is not necessarily efficient. Second, it allows to describe
a full range of alternative dynamic equilibria when price setters in both countries are completely
forward-looking and households' preferences are not restricted. We study optimal policy both in
the long-run and in response to shocks, and we compare commitment under Nash competition
and under cooperation. By deriving a second order accurate solution to the policy functions,
we also characterize the welfare gains from international policy cooperation.

Ester Faia (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Tommaso Monacelli (IGIER, Università Bocconi and CEPR)
Keywords: optimal monetary policy, Ramsey planner, Nash equilibrium, cooperation,sticky prices, imperfect competition
2004 - n° 253
Carlo Favero (IGIER, CEPR and Università Bocconi) and Iryna Kaminska (IGIER, Università Bocconi)


In this paper we concentrate on the hypothesis that the empirical
rejections of the Expectations Theory (ET) of the term structure of interest
rates can be caused by improper modelling of expectations. Our
starting point is an interesting anomaly found by Campbell-Shiller (1987),
when by taking a VAR approach they abandon limited information
approach to test the ET, in which realized returns are taken as a proxy for
expected returns. We use financial factors and macroeconomic information
to construct a test of the theory based on simulating investors'
effort to use the model in 'real time' to forecast future monetary policy
rates. Our findings suggest that the importance of fluctuations of risk
premia in explaining the deviation from the ET is reduced when some
forecasting model for short-term rates is adopted and a proper evaluation
of uncertainty associated to policy rates forecast is considered.

Andrea Carriero (IGIER, Università Bocconi), Carlo Favero (IGIER, CEPR and Università Bocconi)and Iryna Kaminska (IGIER, Università Bocconi)
Keywords: Expectations Theory, Macroeconomic Information in Finance
2003 - n° 252

Employment protection legislations (EPL) are not enforced uniformly across the board. There are a number of exemptions to the coverage
of these provisions: firms below a given threshold scale and workers with temporary contracts are not subject to the most restrictive  rovisions. This within country variation in enforcement allows to make inferences on the impact of EPL which go beyond the usual cross-country approach. In this paper we develop a simple model which explains why these exemptions are in place to start with. Then we empirically assess the effects of EPL on dismissal probabilities, based on a double-difference approach. Our results are in line with the predictions of the theoretical model. Workers in firms exempted from EPL are more likely to be laid-off We do not observe this effect in the case of temporary workers. There is no effect of the exemption threshold on the growth of firms.

Tito Boeri (Università Bocconi-IGIER) and Juan F. Jimeno (FEDEA and Universidad de Alcal)
2003 - n° 251

We present a theoretical model of a parliamentary democracy, where
party structures, government coalitions and fiscal policies are endogenously
determined. The model predicts that, relative to proportional elections, majoritarian
elections reduce government spending because they reduce party
fragmentation and, therefore, the incidence of coalition governments. Party
fragmentation can persist under majoritarian rule if party supporters are
unevenly distributed across electoral districts. Economic and political data,
from up to 50 post-war parliamentary democracies, strongly support our
joint predictions from the electoral rule, to the party system, to the type of
government, and to government spending.

Torsten Persson (IIES, Stockholm University, CEPR and NBER), Gerard Roland (UC Berkeley, CEPRE andWDI) and Guido Tabellini(IGIER, Bocconi University, CEPR and CES-Ifo)
Keywords: electoral rules, party systems, coalition governments, fiscal policy, electoral accountability
2003 - n° 250

While there is consensus on the need to raise the time spent in the market by
European women, it is not clear how these goals should be achieved. Tax wedges,
assistance in the job search process, and part-time jobs are policy instruments that
are widely debated in policy circles. The paper presents a simple model of labour
supply with market frictions and heterogenous home production where the effects of
these policies can be coherently analysed. We show that subsidies to labour market
entry increases women's entrance in the labour market, but they also increase exits from
the labour market, with ambiguous effect on employment. Subsidies to part-time do
increase employment, but they have ambiguous effects on hours and market production.
Finally, reductions in taxes on market activities that are highly substitutable with home
production have unambiguous positive effects on market employment and production.

Pietro Garibaldi (Bocconi University, IGIER and CEPR) and Etienne Wasmer (ECARES, Free University of Brussels, University of Metz and CEPR)
2003 - n° 249

We examine a model of contracting where parties interact repeatedly and can contract
at any point in time, but writing enforceable contracts is costly. A contract can
describe contingencies and actions at a more or less detailed level, and the cost of writing
a contract is proportional to the amount of detail. We consider both formal (externally
enforced) and informal (self-enforcing) contracts. The presence of writing costs has important
implications both for the optimal structure of formal contracts, particularly the
tradeo. between contingent and spot contracts, and for the interaction between formal
and informal contracting. Our model sheds light on these implications and generates a
rich set of predictions about the determinants of the optimal mode of contracting.

Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi University, IEP and IGIER)and Giovanni Maggi (Princeton University)
Keywords: writing costs, contingent vs spot contracting, formal vs informal contracts