Evolution of the Crisis

The credit crunch and the financial crisis

Beyond all analyses on the roots, the trends, the way-outs of the credit crunch, the financial crisis has been a worldwide nervous breakdown. 

The psychological point of view is the one we choose for introducing the crisis.

Market volatility is drawn by financial players' nervousness.

The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is a measure of market participants' expectations of near-term variability, as conveyed by the S&P 500 Index option prices on quarterly averages.

Vix History


 Ante 2007

Early 2007 to Early 2008

 March 2008 to Oct 2008

 Nov 2008 to 1st Q2009

Sowing the crisis' seeds 

  Origin: how it all began

 The iceberg impact 

  The Awareness

US GDP and Debt

US Consumer Price Index

US Imports and net Export

Home Price & Delinquency Rate<?xml:namespace prefix = o />



Capitaliz. Ratio: Debt/EBITDA 


Us industrial production and output gap

US current account

Fx Mkt: Dollar vs Asian currencies



US Housing Market



Oil, Gold and Food prices



Yield Curve Spreads



Money Market Funds




Ted Spread



Fed Facilities






KfW Spread



Repo delivery fails



Private Eq. Transactions



Leveraged Loans



Fx Market




CDS Indexes

Inflation Breakevens



BAA-AAA Spread



Money for free



Commercial Papers Mkt

Fed Balance Sheet



Financial Senior and Sub CDS






Fx Market



Sovereign CDS & Spreads


...guessing the future: How it all ends section

Chronology of outstanding facts

Follow the links for an exhaustive chronology of the outstanding facts clustered into 4 main areas.

Market's Events

(Housing market trend, ABS freeze, Bear Stearns slump, Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, Crude Oil spike, Stock Indices crashes, Spread boost, ...)


Central Banks and Authorities Actions
(Fed programs, ECB, SNB programs and other CBs actions, Governments interventions, programs liquidity injections, bail outsprograms Quantitative Easing approach, ...)


Primary Brokers and Dealers

(Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Citigroup, Fannie and Freddie, AIG, Goldman Sachs, Lloyds, Mitsubishi Group, Washington Mutual, JP Morgan, Unicredit, BNP, Fortis, Wells Fargo, Wachovia, Wall St. CEO resignation, ...)


Financial Institutions
(Madoff Funds, Moody's downgrades, Bear Stearns hedge funds, Citigroup hedge funds, Focus CapitalTequesta Mortgage Fund, Carlyle Capital, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Blue River Municipal Bond Fund, Lancelot Investment, ING CDOs fund, ... )


Explaining Central Banks and Authorities programs to stabilize the financial system  

Equity markets prices usually anticipate events both looking at relevant stocks and at indexes themselves: see what happened


This web page and its content is performed by Roberto Botter.