
Archive of all Events

Bocconi University
12th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
Velodromo Building - room N05
Fiscal Conditions Around the World: Updates from the IMF Fiscal Monitor
Room N04 - Velodromo Building
Rethinking Monetary Policy?
ROOM N18, Velodromo Building
Beyond bonuses: the incentive effect of a prosocial initiative on bankers
Beyond bonuses: the incentive effect of a prosocial initiative on bankers
room N06, Velodromo Building
Energy markets in the turmoil: causes and policy options
Room 11, Sarfatti Building
Are Managers Paid for Market Power?
Webinar on Zoom
The War Economy in Ukraine
Room 302, Sarfatti Building
Government Turnover, State Capacity, and the Implementation of Italy's PNRR
Room N35, Velodrome Building
From Micro to Macro: Firm Dynamics and Economic Growth